You have become the proud owner of an artwork recently and want to share this feeling with your near and dear ones. Before showing it to all, you have decided to make it even more special by getting it framed. Your exclusive and exquisite artwork is not complete until it gets a picture frame. Choosing the right picture frame will only make your artwork complete but also more presentable in every aspect. Professional picture framing is nothing less than an art in itself. A professional picture framercan give your artwork an alle new look which will be both grand and attractive. Even though a professional photo frame provider will give you all his inputs, you should also be clear regarding certain elements before choosing your photo frame. The two most important factors that should be considered before finalizing your photo frame is what you’re framing and where you’re going to put it. There are no one-size-fits-all in photo frame and you can choose from the various options available with your photo frame provider. You can select from the various options ranging from traditional to modern and from simple to ornate. What are You FramingStyle & Subject: Depending on the type of your artwork you can select your picture frame. While modern artwork goes well with clean and simple picture frame ornate picture frame will suit traditional artwork. You can also select a mix of the two forms and give your artwork a new look.Size Matters: Be very careful while selecting the size of the picture frame. An oversized picture frame can ruin the look of your artwork. The picture frame should never overpower the artwork.Color Combination: The color of the picture frame should complement the color of the artwork. Though it is not mandatory for the picture frame to be of the similar color at least it should not be in complete contrast with the artwork. Where are You going to put itDecor of the room: The picture frame should be selected according to the style of the room. If the room style is more into modern side, ornate picture frame will be good orelse simple picture frame should be selected.The kind of Room: The room basic purpose has a significant role to play with the kind of picture frame to be selected. The picture frame to be put in the child’s room should be completely different from the study room. Surroundings of the Room: The color of the walls and curtains also affect the kind of picture frame that has to be selected. The picture frame should go well with the surrounding. A picture frame that complements